Sunday, October 9, 2011

From Rosie my love to Idunn my future, my beloved and bright future..Life goes on with the love of a service dog

Dear Friends and Family, Happy Thanksgiving!

I believed that this post would be difficult and heartbreaking.  This is the farthest thing from the truth. The hardest experience was to be with my ill friend and say goodbye to her, the joy comes with the precious gift she, and I am sure had some VERY special connections in heaven, gave to me with the help of family here. I shed many tears even as I write this blog as Rosie was the first miracle in my life.  I will never forget her or miss her every second of my life.  Rosie, my girl, you taught me to believe in life.

Rosie is proud to announce her successor for me, Rosie's Great niece, a perfect fit, Idunn.

Idunn, pronounced, Eden, (like the garden of Eden!) is my new psychiatric assistance dog.  Rosie is looking down from heaven with endless love and approval.  She does not want me to cry but to love Idunn with all that is in my heart for Idunn is my new best friend and way to a brighter future.  I will do you proud Rosie my girl, I promise.

Rosie passed away peacefully in my arms after a summer of much hope that her body would heal and she would recover.  This was not to be so and her golden heart stopped beating on Sept. 15, 2011.  I hugged her and was so happy that her suffering had ended.  Then came the sorrow, guilt and loneliness, despair, darkness and surprising extremely manic episode that followed.  I have NEVER cleaned 24/7 as after Rosie passed, and thank you Rosie girl, my house sure needed it!  Rosie, God has a very special place for you and I am so joyful in my heart that you are there.  I treasure the day I see you again, my special girl.  Now, I must live and carry on with LIFE! I closed the doors till Idunn arrived and celebrate her arrival my Rosie girl! Look what has been going on!
(click on any photo to enlarge :)

'One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar'
Helen Keller

  Idunn is all of this and no other dog could envelope my heart like Idunn does. The day we met Marlene,  I loved her so and you for allowing me to take Idunn home.  I knew the second Idunn jumped out of her car that I loved her.  We went for a long walk up the field and towards the pond.  There we had a long talk.  She looked into my eyes, I looked in hers and all was well. We knew we did not know each other to well but we also knew that we could touch deep within our souls and make it work. I do not know if any of you my friends have ever known a Collie but when you feel them within your heart there is nothing else like it, this is how it was with Idunn.

'I am not afraid of storms for I am learning to sail my ship'
Helen Keller

Thank you Marlene for the Beagles love and cuddles, after weeks of loneliness, they were the very best medicine, Idunn being the most comforting of all. I was at peace after a very long and sad time, I felt life anew!
 I am blessed to add that my ship is stronger,  with a most tremendous strong base, and filled with the years of Rosie's love, devotion and loyalty.  With Idunn, I am confident I will experience the  most life has to offer in all its beauty and opportunities. Our service dogs and the life they give us carries on to successor dogs that can only enrich the knowledge that  we have already learned and cherish. Thank you Rosie, forever in my heart.

Idunn, you are more than worthy to accompany me into my future.  You are my kisses, BIG kisses!

You are my life, my love and my connection to the real world. My beautiful Idunn, I already love you more than you will ever know! Welcome to my home, you forever loving home my new girl! I love the fun you are having and the wiggle in your tail! I love your attentive look and the way we need each other.  Most of all, I love that you are you, and that you fit into my little quiet family the way you do.

Thank you Idunn for making me laugh and smile and live life!!! Rosie is woofn from heaven above!!
Just to be around you is life.
All my love, 

'Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows'
Helen Keller

Rolling in my new home grass!

~A furry and close little family is what life is all about~
~Cherish it always~

I give thanks for a paw to hold, a heart to cherish, a friend to love.
My new friend Idunn has already drawn me to new friends, experiences and most importantly the ability to function in life.  Life is born again as I never thought it would be, thank you Idunn, all my new friends and my beloved West Coast Assistance Teams Family.
All my most special readers, I truly hope you enjoy our new adventures as Rosie would want us too and Idunn is very eager to share!! Love you all, never forget, 

Who you are makes a Difference!!!

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty and joy to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble
'Helen Keller'

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful Leanne.. I am so happy to hear that Idunn and you are bonding so beautifully. I love you my friend R.I.P. Diva (Rosie).. sending my love to you all <3
